In addition to the report, A Funder Conundrum, DP Evaluation have developed a number of tools and resources which we hope will be useful for funders and philanthropists in thinking about the way they approach their work.
The tools are split into two series: one which relates to the mindset of a particular funder or philanthropist and another set about the ways of working that you may choose to employ. The tools can be downloaded here.
Case Studies
The report, A Funder Conundrum includes summary versions of six case studies on different aspects of the Fund’s work. The full length versions of the case studies can be downloaded here.
Research Methodology
The report, A Funder Conundrum includes a summary of the research methodology used by DP Evaluation. The full version of the methodology can be downloaded here.
Additional information relating to A Funder Conundrum, including interview questions, the online survey, suggested further reading and a series of articles, is available on the Fund’s website, here